Review of Maya Angelou’s poem ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings’

Review of Maya Angelou’s poem ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings’ I request the readers to read the poem first from the link and my review later. Thanks. A caged bird is expected to be silent. It is too depressed and lost to sing. Correct? But she sings, nonetheless. Maya Angelo knows why. The poem compares the zeal of a free bird with the haplessness of the caged. Its wings have been clipped, besides the confinement. Subtly, there is one more comparison in this poem. It compares two classes (or races?) of human beings too. The affluent and well-educated on one hand and the marginalized on the other. Clipping of wings itself is a metaphor; the path to knowledge, skills and future are closed for those caged in poverty and confined to ignorance. So, their vision is crippled. There is no scope for their dreaming anything. All they are sure is there won’t be an end to this injustice. While the caged bird still has something to express, the downtrodden masses remain mute. They are not voicing out their longing for freedom and proclaim they are in no way less than the well-off in their right to freedom, progress and a decent life. The poem doesn’t need any explanation and is a straight one. Still, the title is intriguing. Maya Angelou had the option ‘Why a caged bird sings?’ That would have given the reader some suspense and engaged his curiosity to know the answer. But she makes it clear she knows why it sings. Because as a coloured and as a female, she can relate to its ordeal. There is always a choice of voicing freedom or remaining mute. Our choice reflects upon our outlook.


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