Review of American poet Robert Wood Lynn’s poem “We got used to surprises”
Review of American poet Robert Wood Lynn’s poem “We got used to surprises”
I request readers to read the poem first from the link below ane then only my review:
There is a very poetic expression that strengthens the expression of an abstract theme of this poem:
hands insisted on looking
like ours for no good reason.”
Opposum, a cat sized animal in North America fakes death when under threat. There are some other sea creatures that do this to their prey. This Opposum wanted human like hands- is a very creative imaginary metaphor. This goes with nature and the eternal survival instincts of various creatures. From this the poet makes a transition to society, that is, an arena of humans were they have lost their instincts to be one with nature. The poet has transitioned on his own coolly. Whether he could take the readers too with him is doubtful. Nonetheless, this poem is very powerful in expressions. Please see this one on our lack of inclination for reforms:
“Our selfsame habit,
describing newest old loves strictly
by worst qualities.”
The ending lines of the poem are very thought provoking:
The reasons
you can’t touch a cloud and can’t
touch a rainbow have nothing
at all to do with each other.
Touching a cloud is fantastic and its happening is only in the hilly reasons. So the reason is geography for our mostly failing to touch the clouds but a Rainbow is a refraction’s image of pixels on the horizon. It can be seen but never touched. It is very close to an illusion. The poem is broadly about how far our minds are judgmental, conditioned and full of preconceived notions and biased. This narrowness is a rich source for lot more poems. The poet here has come out with an impacting poem. Well done.
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