Appreciation of Neruda’s poems – 4
Appreciation of Neruda’s
poems – 4
Only in fiction the
preliminary chapters would be carefully scripted by the writer to acquaint the
reader with his narrative style and also to prepare him for the fiction’s pace
and pauses. Neruda uses this method in the opening stanza and the next of the
long poem ‘Oceanic South’:
“The roses of this
ocean are only made
of impoverished salt,
a throat at risk,”
“The wind grows in
with one leaf and his
battered flower,
with the sand which
owns only touch and silence-
it’s nothing, it is a
the track of an
imagined horse,
it is nothing unless
it be wave time has received
since all waves go
towards the cold eyes
of time glaring under
the ocean”
There are so many
versions of the eternal knocks of waves on the shores. Neruda finds them going
to the cold eyes of time glaring under the ocean. Now with the figurative
expression on time we understand the ocean is the expanse of human life and the
collective quests and despairs of humans. Individual dreams are distinct and often
contrary to the collective quests of humanity. Neruda figuratively depicts a
world where there is none and the past is like the tracks of the horses and the
future like the rain hovering over the sea:
“It is a lonely
region, I have already spoken
of the region so
where the earth is
brim-full of ocean
and there is no one –
only the tracks of horses,
no one save the wind,
no one
only the rain adding
to the sea’s waters,
no one , only the rain
growing over the sea.”
The metaphor for human
resource is a root in the poem ‘Walking around’:
“I do not want to go
on being a root in the dark,
Hesitating, stretched
out, shivering with dreams,
Downwards, in the wet
tripe of the earth,
Soaking it up and
thinking eating every day.
For this reason Monday
burns like oil
At the sight of me
arriving with my jail-face,
And it howls in
passing like a wounded wheel,
And its footsteps
towards nightfall are filled with hot blood.”
The poem opens new
doors on the hypes about HR by any employer.
To be continued…..
# Appreciation of Neruda’s
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