Review of Italian poem ‘Joy may kill’ by Michelangelo

 Review of Italian poem ‘Joy may kill’ by Michelangelo

I request readers to the poem first from the above link and then only my review. Thanks.

One of the greatest sculptors Michelangelo was a poet too. This poem is a simple one. The poem highlights immense joy is equally dangerous like sorrow. Its impact could be fatal. The poem radiates a deep sense of remorse. The poet’s  loneliness and enduring an agony reach the reader clearly. The second person is a beauty. Does the poet sculptor mean her inner beauty? There is a mention of her kindness which makes us think so. The other question is whether she is human or celestial? In the last two lines, the poet requests her to dilute the overwhelming joy, and we wonder whether he is longing for divine intervention. A powerful poem that reflects the loneliness that overshadow within a genius artist. 


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